EXTRA-50673 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Cost of Rate Study Service -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide cost of rate study service to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– To calculate the solid waste fees and user charges required to adequately recover the...
View ArticleWD-14291 - USA (Arkansas) - RFI for News Publishing Content Management System...
Vendor needs to provide news publishing content management system. – Currently manages online news presence via an in–house developed CMS.
View ArticleCONS-14166 - USA (Juneau, Arkansas) - Design and Construction Administration...
(1) Vendor needs to provide design and construction administration services to the government authority located in Juneau, AK.– Provide design and construction administration services– Conduct at least...
View ArticleSW-94309 - USA (Arkansas) - Cloud-based School Nutrition Software - Deadline...
Vendor needs to provide cloud–based school nutrition software.– The software will be utilized to operate and manage cafeteria operations.– All modules must be 100% browser based and work with the...
View ArticleHEALTH-7601 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Intervention Services - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide intervention services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Stress primary prevention or making healthy choices to stop cancer before it starts.– Help...
View ArticleCLEANING-8791 - USA (Cabot, Arkansas) - Janitorial Services - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide janitorial services to the government authority located in Cabot, AR.– Sweep and mop all hard surface floors. – Vacuum all carpet flooring.– Clean and sanitize all sinks.–...
View ArticleLEGAL-13622 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Professional Attorney Services -...
Vendor needs to provide professional attorney services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Professional attorneys licensed by the state to perform general attorney duties– Civil...
View ArticleHEALTH-7604 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Behavioral Health Service -...
Vendor needs to provide behavioral health service to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Behavioral Health Service Providers, including accredited providers and those who are licensed...
View ArticleCONS-14186 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Professional Architect Services -...
Vendor needs to provide professional architect services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Architect to plan, design, propose cost estimates and prepare bid documents for...
View ArticleDRA-7540 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Professional Surveyor Services -...
Vendor needs to provide professional surveyor services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Perform various surveying procedures to include, but not limited to, topographic,...
View ArticleHEALTH-7605 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Mental Health Service - Deadline...
Vendor needs to provide mental health service to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Perform and provide the assessment, diagnosis, treatment or counseling to include private, public,...
View ArticleWD-14300 - USA (Arkansas) - Website Hosting Service using CMS - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide website hosting service using (Content Management System) CMS.– To build web templates and incorporate the templates into the Content Management System (CMS) structure as...
View ArticleSW-94456 - USA (Arkansas) - Integrated Parking Management System - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide integrated parking management system. – For a modernized and integrated parking management system.– An efficient parking system is vital to the City’s downtown economic...
View ArticleDRA-7550 - USA (Arkansas) - Global Indicator Monitoring Survey Service -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide global indicator monitoring survey service to the government authority located in Arkansas.– Review of program documents for clearer understanding of the project.– Adopt,...
View ArticleEDUCATION-11698 - USA (Arkansas) - Coaching Capability and Cultural...
Vendor needs to provide coaching capability and cultural consultant service to the government authority located in Arkansas.• Building an internal faculty coach.• An individual staff coaching solution...
View ArticleEDUCATION-11699 - USA (Arkansas) - Village Savings and Loan System Training...
(1) Vendor needs to provide village savings and loan system training service to the government authority located in Arkansas.– To conduct Training–of–Trainers to Facilitators and Implementation to...
View ArticleHR-7340 - USA (Rock, Arkansas) - Payroll Management Services - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide payroll management services to the government authority located in Rock, AR.– Provide payroll solutions to process payroll in the most efficient and effective way possible...
View ArticleNET-12474 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Switched Ethernet Connectivity...
(1) Vendor needs to provide switched ethernet connectivity services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Purchase additional bandwidth and lower agency’s cost per unit of bandwidth–...
View ArticleSTAFF-13084 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Physician Services - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide physician services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Provide physician services to meet the needs of clients ages nineteen to seventy–nine residing at...
View ArticleUS-FED-00000298996 - Charleston WV: Roof Replacement - Deadline February 17,2025
The Facilities Construction R&A East CMT of the United States Postal Service is soliciting proposals for a Roof Replacement project, at the United States Postal Service owned P&DC 1000 Centre...
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