HEALTH-7545 - USA (Fayetteville, Arkansas) - Visn-16 Veterans and Employees...
– Vendor needs to provide visn–16 veterans and employees online wellness services to the government authority located in Fayetteville, AR.– Provide online wellness services to include unlimited access...
View ArticleHEALTH-7559 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Healthcare Services - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide healthcare services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Provided by a Mental Health Nurse will have different requirements for knowledge, ability,...
View ArticleMB-8928 - USA (Arkansas) - Managed Care and Medical Cost Containment Services...
(1) Vendor needs to provide managed care and medical cost containment services for workers compensation claims.– Provide ongoing and retrospective utilization review of medical bills.– Provide...
View ArticleMB-8929 - USA (Arkansas) - Third Party Administrator Service - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide third party administrator service.– The Third–Party Administrator (TPA) will be responsible for administering healthcare benefits for all employees.– TPA for the...
View ArticleHEALTH-7574 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Mental Health Referral Services -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide mental health referral services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– To address the mental health and behavioral needs of students by improving access to...
View ArticleEXTRA-50494 - USA (Conway, Arkansas) - Employee Benefits Consultant Services...
(1) Vendor needs to provide employee benefits consultant services to the government authority located in Conway, AR.– Provide professional services to include the following:• Renewal negotiation with...
View ArticleMB-8947 - USA (Arkansas) - Section 125 and COBRA Administration Services -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide Section 125 and COBRA administration services.– Section 125 Administration• Consistency and accuracy in responses to participants and HR Staff• Excellent customer service...
View ArticleEXTRA-50502 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Public Student Loan Forgiveness...
(1) Vendor needs to provide public student loan forgiveness program administration services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Provide a comprehensive program to guide state...
View ArticleEXTRA-50530 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Foster Care Services - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide foster care services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– Provide foster care services in family homes for children who cannot be maintained in their own...
View ArticleEXTRA-50534 - USA (Bentonville, Arkansas) - Parking Facilities Operator...
(1) Vendor needs to provide parking facilities operator service to the government authority located in Bentonville, AR.– The Operator shall be required to operate and manage the Facilities 24 hours per...
View ArticleMRB-44812 - USA (Arkansas) - Facilitation and Community Engagement Services -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide facilitation and community engagement services.– To promote financial empowerment of residents in targeted community development areas and other areas that have been...
View ArticleDRA-7469 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Resident Sentiment Study Service -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide resident sentiment study service to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR. – Summarize resident data based on pre–defined population segments such as...
View ArticleMRB-44843 - USA (Arkansas) - Awareness and Public Outreach Campaign Service -...
(1) Vendor needs to provide awareness and public outreach campaign service.– Media Relations – Plan, implement and coordinate Ozone Action Days media relations efforts.– Social media – Develop a...
View ArticleSW-94188 - USA (Arkansas) - Proctoring Solution - Deadline February 26,2025
(1) Vendor needs to provide proctoring solution.– The proposed system must be compatible with all current Windows and OSX Operating systems, as well as Windows, IOS, and Android mobile devices– The...
View ArticleSW-94189 - USA (Arkansas) - Enterprise Resource Planning System - Deadline...
Vendor needs to provide enterprise resource planning system.– Project Manager to implement and lead its transition to a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system
View ArticleACCT-21180 - USA (Lonoke, Arkansas) - Audit and Monitoring Services -...
Vendor needs to provide audit and monitoring services to the government authority located in Lonoke, AR.– Agency is seeking an independent consultant to conduct One–Stop Operator monitoring.
View ArticleLEGAL-13586 - USA (Little Rock, Arkansas) - Legal Services - Deadline January...
(1) Vendor needs to provide legal services to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.(2) This is a brief information; Main RFP Document is not available on our website.
View ArticleACCT-21177 - USA (Cotter, Arkansas) - Independent Annual Single Audit Service...
(1) Vendor needs to provide independent annual single audit service to the government authority located in Cotter, AR.(2) This is a brief information; Main RFP Document is not available on our website
View ArticleEXTRA-50662 - USA (Fayetteville, Arkansas) - Water Sewer Rate and Impact Fee...
– Vendor needs to provide water sewer rate and impact fee studies service to the government authority located in Fayetteville, AR. – A comprehensive water and sewer cost of service rate study with...
View ArticleCLEANING-8779 - USA (Cabot, Arkansas) - Janitorial Services - Deadline...
(1) Vendor needs to provide janitorial services to the government authority located in Cabot, AR.– Cabot City Hall – Full Clean Twice Weekly– Cabot City Plaza Building (except for areas occupied by...
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