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SW-55519 - USA (Arkansas) - Mass Emergency Notification System - Deadline April 27,2022

Posted Date : April 11,2022
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : SW-55519
Government Authority located in Arkansas; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for mass emergency notification system.
[A] Budget: Looking for Proposals
[B] Scope of Service:
Vendor needs to provide mass emergency notification system
- The Emergency Notification System will be operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and provide the ability to generate high-speed notifications to targeted groups of citizens, agencies, departments, staff and other people using a web-based user interface, as well as other methods.
- The goal of this project is to establish a system that quickly and reliably notifies citizens, agencies, departments, staff and others of emergencies, community activities, and weather-related events.
- These notifications shall be available to all of the targeted groups of citizens, agencies, departments, staff and others in the City the unincorporated areas of County.
- Methods of Notification – Must support all of the following:
o Pre-recorded audio messages delivered via telephone (landline & mobile)
o TDD/TTY messages for deaf/hearing impaired citizens
o SMS/Text messages
o Email
o Facebook
o Twitter
o RSS Feeds
o Mobile/Smartphone app for citizens’ use to receive messages
o Mobile/Smartphone app for agency’s use to author and send messages
o Browser Alerts
o IPAWS/Wireless Emergency Alerts
o CAP-compliant third-party systems
o Alexa/Smart Speakers
o Application Programming Interface (API)
- Multimedia Messaging – Proposed system must allow users to send messages that enable recipients to view and/or download images and other media content as follows:
o Voice/Phone Messages
o SMS/Text messages
o Email
o Facebook
o Twitter
o RSS Feeds
o Mobile/Smartphone app
o Desktop Notification app
- Media Formats – Proposed system will use the following media formats to support multi-media
o Image Files (JPEG, PNG, etc.)
o Maps
o Audio Files
-  Geographic Selection Capabilities
o Provide map interface support via drawing a polygon on the map
o Provide map interface support via choosing a point and radius from that point to select a
circular area on the map
o Identify a point by typing in landmark names
o Allow selection of street segments, including the ability to select a specific side of a block
or street segment
o Allow selection by ZIP code
o Allow selection based on town or city names
o Allow selection of all contacts with a single click
o Allow for user errors in spelling
o Allows storing geographic selections for future use
o System should display satellite images on maps
o System should display landmarks and other important geographic features
- Staff and Other Personnel Contacts
o Proposed system should enable users to create, save, store, edit and re-use contact lists
of staff and other groups of people to be notified
o Allow an unlimited number of lists
o Allow ability to import lists from other systems or files
o Accept data imported lists automatically
o Automatically include specific contacts to receive all messages sent
- Database Creation, Geo-Coding and Support
o The proposed system must provide lists of citizens and businesses with their address and telephone numbers as well as import other available lists of citizens and businesses to maximize the number of people who can be reached in an emergency. 
[C] Eligibility:
- Onshore (USA Organization Only);
[D] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office location.
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: April 27,2022
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$

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