(1) Vendor needs to provide contract lifecycle management software system.– The comprehensive management of the complete contract lifecycle from developmentthrough execution and termination/close–out.a) A hosted, cloud–based solutionb) Identify any single sign–on offerings for the applicationc) Provide multiple security levels in the application that allow for a separation of dutiesd) Compatibility with Microsoft Office products: Word, Excel, and PowerPointe) Allows users to create and revise contractsf) Allows reviewers to revise contracts and make commentsg) Ability to search text within contracts and all other data fields, including narrow filtering, full text search, key word search, advanced search.h) Provides tracking capabilities to see who made changes and wheni) Provides electronic flow for review, revisions, and rejectionsj) Provides electronic approval flowk) Allows for electronic signaturesl) Allows for use of established clauses to create unique contractsm) Allows for standard contracts with fillable sections to create unique contractsn) Allows for redlining of vendor contracts with tracking capabilities to see who made changes and wheno) Allows for insertion of comments in vendor contractsp) Audit and record action taken throughout the approval routing of new contracts and amendments or updates to existing contracts.q) Ability to route a contract outside of institution to vendors for the purpose of review, editing, negotiation, and finalizing the document.r) Ability to have Internal / External electronic signature capabilitiess) Allows for document version control and the ability to compare versions and originators.t) Ability to store a library of standard contract clauses that can be inserted into a contract as neededu) Ability to update/upload contract templates in a variety of common file formats, including created through the proposed solution as well as documents received from third parties for review.v) Ability for users to store and modify large PDF documents and other large files (Microsoft, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.) encompassing hundreds of pages – Reporting– Security– Users and Roles– System Maintenance and Support– Voluntary Product Accessibility Template(2) All questions must be submitted no later than May 21, 2024. (3) The contract period will be three years.