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SW-32628 - USA (Arkansas) - Telephone System - Deadline April 17,2020

Posted Date : April 01,2020
Product (RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Etc.) ID : SW-32628
Government Authority located in Arkansas; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for telephone system.
[A] Budget: Looking for proposal
[B] Scope of Service:
Vendor needs to provide telephone system.
• The telephone system will accommodate all existing telephones and analog lines and allow for growth.
• The telephone system will accommodate hard phones, soft phones, and a variety of third-party SIP equipment, and not just a single vendor-specific solution.
• The telephone system will include the following options:
- Enterprise Busy Lamp Field – The ability to have a “speed dial” button on the telephone that changes its display according to whether the person it points to is actively using their phone.
- Departmental Auto-Attendants
- Hunt Groups
- Ring Groups
- Call Pickup Groups
- Departmental Call Parking – The ability to park a phone call and have anyone in the Department pick up the parked call on their phone.
- Music on Hold – And customizable Music on Hold
- Do Not Disturb
- Auto Call Forwarding
- Voicemail - And the ability to have voicemails forward to email addresses.
- Directory - LDAP based telephone directory listing for the entire organization.
- Conference Calls
- Multiple Phone Lines – The ability to have up to four calls simultaneously on some telephones.
• Management features:
- The ability for SEBCOTS to manage any of the features mentioned in section 2a.
- The ability for SEBCOTS to set up and apply telephone templates.
- The ability to reset passwords for voicemail and any other feature that requires a password.
- The ability to generate census reports based on Departments to accommodate billing.
- The ability to generate call log reports to or from specific numbers.
• Other features:
- Mobile Client (soft phone) - a mobile or cellular application that allows telephone calls as if they were being made from the desk telephone.
- Door Entry Intercom - The ability to accommodate an intercom and door speaker and have its ringing target change according to a schedule.
• The Contractor will deliver voice services via a Class V switch that it owns and maintains by direct employees. Class V switch must have Geo-redundancy functionality.
• The Contractor will provide in-house service and support with the ability to have technicians on-site within 24 hours to help troubleshoot issues.
- This service will be provided seven days per week, 24 hours per day (“24/7/365”). 
[C] Eligibility:
Onshore (US organization Only)
[D] Work Performance:
Performance of the work will be Offsite. Vendor needs to carry work in their office premises.
Budget :
Deadline to Submit Proposals: April 17,2020
Cost to Download This RFP/RFQ/RFI/Solicitation/Tender/Bid Document : 5 US$

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