(1) Vendor needs to provide DNA test kits supplies to the government authority located in Little Rock, AR.– The quantitation kit must be developmentally validated per the agency quality assurance standards for forensic DNA testing laboratories as required by the federal DNA identification act and subsequent laws.– Quantitation kit will be subjected to an internal validation to ensure that all specifications are met in accord with the agency quality assurance standards for forensic DNA testing laboratories as required by the federal DNA identification act and subsequent laws.– The quantitation kit must have optimal long term storage conditions no less than –30oc and in–use storage conditions between +2oc and +8oc.– The quantitation kit must provide a minimum of 200 reactions per kit.– Limit of detection determination.– Total DNA stop–at–quant.– Y–chromosomal stop–at–quant threshold studies.(2) All the questions must be submitted no later than February 26,2025. (3) The contract period will be for one year.