(1) Vendor needs to provide disaster monitoring consulting services to the government authority located in Sherwood, AR.
- Coordinate briefings, work progress, staffing, and other key items with the city.
- Support with the select on and perming of temporary debris storage and reduce on site locaons and other perming and regulatory issues as requested.
- Hiring, scheduling, and managing field staff.
- Monitor recovery contractor operons and making and implementing recommends to improve efficiency.
- Assist the City with responding to public concerns and comments.
- Ulaze electronic ckeng systems to generate electronic debris load ckets for each load of debris generated.
- Develop operaonal reports, maps, gis applicants, etc. as necessary to keep the city informed of work progress.
- Assist with review of federal and grant requirements, guidance and interpretation.
- Provide comprehensive review, reconciliation, and validation of any debris removal contractor invoices prior to submission to the city for processing.
- Evaluate debris generated by a disaster event: by type, general quantities, and locations. evaluations should be supported by gis and other digital platforms and organized in a format applicable to preliminary damage assessments.
- Assist in fund administrateon and control procedures for the review of grant requirements, guidance and interproton.
- Assist in fund administration and control procedures of grant proposals selected for funding.
- Assist in developing policies and procedures for administrative, accounting and grant compliance oversight.
- Advise on the proper fund structure, account standards, internal controls and compliance.
- Assist with cream on and maintenance of project files.
- These files must demonstrate compliance with all applicable state, local and federal regular.
- Assist in establishing an internal financial tracking system to ensure funds are expended within established me lines, recorded appropriately in the accounting system and generate Informa on needed for periodic reporting to the granng agency.
- Assist with conductng required risk assessments and review of internal controls.
- Assist with prepara on of project files idenfied as the subject of monitoring visits and/or audits by any reusing enty.
- Assist with preparaon of monitoring or audit responses to findings or concerns.
- Assist with other grant administrate on relatedand technical assistance as needed to pursue and support the reimbursement of costs incurred for any applicable grant program.
- Assist with compliance and monitoring of subrecipients and beneficiaries, including review of funding requests submitted by subrecipients as well as aiding