Channel: RFPMart - Arkansas RFPs
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Government Authority located in Arkansas; USA based organization looking for expert vendor for intelligent transportation systems and services. - USA (Arkansas) - Intelligent Transportation Systems and Services - Deadline July 12,2023

(1) Vendor needs to provide intelligent transportation systems and services to replace existing CAD/AVL system. - specify ITS hardware and software that will be procured, deployed and maintained by METRO through their ITS program - staff with better fleet and service information while helping operators and managers operate the system more efficiently. - utilizes a trip planning and bus tracking app available to the general public, the app is not always accurate because not all operators log on when they start their runs. - provisions to achieve high availability for critical functions through reliability of systems and system components, elimination of single points of failure, self-diagnostics, and reporting of failures, and maintainability of ITS Systems. - Masabi/Transit App for smartphone fare payment and trip planning - Message Point Media onboard annunciation signs as well as at certain shelters (wayside) - CAD shall support multiple user talk groups (e.g., driver supervisors, operations managers, system administrator) with settable system rights and privileges. - Mobile data communications solution shall be able to handle all data communications including future needs - mobile voice radio system shall be equipped with an audio volume control, a speaker, and a privacy handset configured to mute the speaker during handset use - able to request a voice conversation with the dispatcher, another vehicle, or a group of vehicles by transmitting a request-to-talk (RTT) message using the data channel - allow user to adjust the speaker volume at any time while the MDT is on - allow the operator to logoff after pull-in and send a logoff message to central dispatch. - provide next trip address and/or latitude/longitude data. - software shall incorporate GIS capabilities that allow pan and zoom viewing for maps of the service area, with multiple zoom levels - GIS functionality shall provide for one or more layers for political/census boundaries - system shall be capable of defining and displaying point-based map layers, indicating system timepoints, bus stops, streetcar stops, major intersections, major transfer points, and major origins and destinations of travel, or other points of interest - system shall allow the user to calculate the distance between points or along a specified portion of the street network. (2) A pre-bid meeting will be held on May 23, 2023. (3) All questions must be submitted no later than June 14, 2023.

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